Help us shear Coach Smith's
head of hair

Raising money for the Croxford boys rugby program and the Airdrie Food Bank.

$1,650 raised

Attention all Croxford Cavaliers rugby fans!

Coach Smith, the beloved head coach of our high school rugby squad is gearing up for an epic transformation in the name of charity!

how to donate

Yes, you heard it right! Connor, known for years for his iconic flowing red locks and mighty beard, is bravely shearing it all off to raise funds for our boys' rugby team and the Airdrie Foodbank. It's not just a haircut; it's a statement of solidarity and support.

Coach Smith will be donating his hair to the Wigs For Kids program, a part of the Canadian Cancer Society. The top 5 monetary donations will get the opportunity to personally cut a portion of Coach Smith's hair at 4:00pm on May 29 at W.H. Croxford. Once confirmation of donation is received, you will be sent a form where you can vote on Coach Smith's new haircut and facial hair style.

Let's rally together, pitch in, and watch as Coach Smith sheds his mane for a mighty cause! Donate today to help our team thrive and to support the Airdrie Food bank.

how to donate

Rockyview Champions!

Congrats to the boys for winning the South Central Alberta Zone Championship! Let's cheer them on as they play for the Provincial title May 31 and June 1 in Calgary at the Calgary Rugby Union.

champions! champions!

Ready to donate?

Help shear off Coach Smith's mighty red mane, and give to a good cause.

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